The second annual King Of The Retro toynament took place in July 2022. The previous year's winner and champion, Jake "The Snake" Roberts was back to defend both his crown and championship against seven new challengers. This event was made up of 4 original WWF Hasbros, 2 WWE Retros and 2 Chella Wrestling Megastars. Winners of each match are voted on by you across Instagram, Twitter & Facebook and the results are tallied and the wrestler who receives the most votes moves on to the next round. This is how the event went...
*total votes in brackets*
Jake Roberts (97) vs (39) Kane Ted DiBiase (98) vs (44) Joey Knight
Koko B. Ware (77) vs (32) Steve Austin
Marty Jannetty (49) vs (110) Adam Bomb
Jake Roberts (79) vs (31) Ted DiBiase Koko B. Ware (33) vs (49) Adam Bomb
Final Jake Roberts (52) vs (48) Adam Bomb
I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds and if Jake can reign supreme for a third time?

King Of The Retro Merch
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